Thursday, August 24, 2006

A couple more days to go!!!!

September 2nd is the big day for Cody. My baby is going to get some manners. I will miss him greatly. He was a bad boy the other day so he will be spending the remainder of his time before boot camp alone in a paddock. Oh come on, do you think that I am that mean? His buddy is in the next paddock so it is not that bad. Good thing I don't have kids because I have a feeling they would walk all over me.

While I was getting ready for work, Ian was putting the horses out for the day. It was like every other typical sunny Monday day. I was running about one hour late for work and as I was just about to open the door to get into my car I see Cody running by with a lead rope hanging from his chin. He was having a good ol' time bootin' across the field with three of the mares in toe. As Ian went to remove his halter, Cody decided to take off to visit his friends, leaving Ian empty handed....and really peed!

I took about ten minutes for Cody and friends to stop their dancing in the fields but once they stopped Ian was able to catch him and of course he marched him right back to the barn and into his stall. He so knew he was a bad boy!

I probably will not have many of these types of adventures to report on in the next month or so as Cody will not at home however I am sure he will be making lots of new friends at Bridewood. Hopefully he will want to come home in the Fall.


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