Friday, August 18, 2006

Competitive Trail Ride

This weekend I am volunteering at a competitive trail ride in Merrickville. I will be assisting with the vet checks. This should be fun. Although it will be a long day, I am told that they feed you and give you plenty of fluids. Who is going to work harder? Me or the horses!

I find this sport very interesting. However, there are a few reasons why I have yet to participate as a rider at one of these event. The first reason being that I don't own a trailer and the second reason is that there are only about three to four rides a year in my area.

Not having a trailer is a big problem. Having to hire someone to transport you and your horse to the event can become very costly because when you are said and done, you are looking at about $200 to $300 for the one day. That seems a little excessive to me!

An alternative might be to buy a property that is even more remote then where we are now and ensure that said property backs onto the Trans Canada trails. That would be sweet!


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