Monday, May 09, 2005

I hate Mondays!

Mondays suck! It was really hard to get out of bed this morning. It is so beautiful outside. I would rather be at home playing with my horses and weeding my garden. Instead I am sitting in a stuffy old building trying to motivate myself to start my work week.

My weekend was quite interesting. Peyton ( 2 year old mare) decided that she wanted to run away with the fence that she was tied to when tacking her up. We stood their in disbelief while she ran around the field with a fence post, a slab of concrete and a couple of rails attached to her. In the end, we had to laugh.

To top it all off, last night when I got home from visiting my mom for Mother's Day, I had to chase down Alpha who was acting very aggressively towards the little guy (Cody). Alpha is in his twenties and Cody is only one year old. There was no reason why Alpha was chasing down Cody. Cody was soaking wet from head to toe and breathing really hard. Once Alpha was caught, I was finally able to halter Cody and lead him to the barn for his dinner. This is when I discovered that Alpha had laid a whippin' on Cody. He is covered in bite marks. I was not happy. He is my baby!!


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