Sunday, May 01, 2005

Rainy Cold Days

Why is it that once the weekend is here, it is always raining. Rainy days are not very fun especially when you look out your window and all you see are muddy paddocks and horses cleansing themselves by rolling ever so joyfully in a mud bath. Despite this, I managed to do a little training with the youngest horse (Cody). Although I am not sure you call chasing your horse around an enclosed area training. I am sure the horse is saying "look at the stupid human running around trying to get me to move forward". Instead, I find myself fending off a 500 lbs animal who thinks I am a new play toy to wrestle with. Who's working who! Despite all of their silly antics, spending a little bit of time each day with them allows oneself to escape the craziness of today's society.


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