Thursday, July 19, 2007

Funny horse story about my friend Erika and her horse Peyton

The other night Erika and her friend headed out on a hack. Erika was riding her horse Peyton and her friend was on a horse named Lucas. Peyton was in one of her moods where she knew exactly where she was going, marching along, having a good ol' time. Erika had her on the buckle, chatting away with her friend while Peyton was sniffing her way through the trails...on a mission! There is a reason we call her hound dog!

They came to one part of the trail that had some low hanging branches, so Erika ducked no problem, well then there was a small tree that was leaning across the trail, so they got as close as they could to the tree without going under it. Peyton had another idea in mind...she wanted to go under the tree!! They say the grass is always greener on the other side ;-) It all happened so slow. All Erika remembers is thinking this is not going to be good. Next thing she sees is the back of her saddle, then Peyton's butt and then her tail. She practically got clothes lined right off her horse. Good thing Erika wasn't hurt. Erika finally managed to got up off the ground to only see this big brown butt trotting away through the long grass, through the creek and in to the distance. Peyton left Erika!!!!

Erika managed to lift the fallen tree for her riding companion so that she could trot on after the run away horse. Peyton was nowhere to be found!!!! They looked for her for half a hour! Calling, going down different trails, looking for foot prints. By this point Erika was in she wasn't freaking out because her horse was missing, she was falling down laughing so hard at how her horse just left her there! She couldn't believe her horse would just leave like that.

They finally decided to head back towards the barn to see if Peyton decided to race back to the barn hoping for dinner! By this point Erika had been running for 30 minutes in her steel toed shoes. Just then Erika and her friend turn around and guess who trots around the corner, reins where Erika had left them, stirrups swinging side to side, not a care in the world. Peyton!!! That is right. She simply walks over to Erika, looks at her like "hey, where the heck did you go!". Erika finally gets back on her trusted horse and carries on down the trail.


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