Strange but true horse laws!!!!!
Strange Horse Laws Just some wacky, odd, strange laws from around the US (and a few from other countries too!).
1- In New York City, it is illegal to open or close an umbrella in the presence of a horse.
2- It is illegal to fish from horseback in Washington D.C, Colorado, and Utah. Tennessee prohibits riders from lassoing fish.
3- A British law states that an Englishman must not sell a horse to a Scotsman.
4- Horses are required to wear hats in hot weather in Rasario, Argentina.
5- In Guernee, Illinois, it is illegal for women weighing more than 200 pounds to ride horses in shorts.
6- In London, England, law required taxi drivers to carry a bale of hay on top of their caps to feed their horses. The law was in force until 1976.
7- In Raton, New Mexico, it is illegal for a woman to ride horseback down a public street with a kimono on.
8- A misworded ordinance in Wolf Point, Montana: "No horse shall be allowed in public without its owner wearing a halter."
9- In South Carolina, no horses are allowed into Fountain Inn unless they are wearing pants.
10- In Omega, New Mexico, every woman must "be found to be wearing a corset" when riding a horse in public! A doctor is required to inspect each woman to make sure that she is complying with the law.
11- Pennsylvania law states: "Any motorist who sights a team of horses coming toward him must pull well off the road, cover his car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside, and let the horses pass. If the horses appear skittish, the motorist must take his car apart, piece by piece, and hide it under the nearest bushes.''
12- In Hartsville, Illinois, you can be arrested for riding an ugly horse.
13- Abilene, Kansas, City Ordinance 349 declares: "Any person who shall in the city of Abilene shoot at a horse with any concealed or unconcealed bean snapper or like article, shall upon conviction, be fined."
14- Marshalltown, Iowa, it is against the law for a horse to eat a fire hydrant.
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