Monday, July 17, 2006


What a weekend!!! Too hot to do anything really. I didn't even get a chance to hit the National Capital Classic this time around. Normally we get VIP tickets from our neighbor but this year other plans got in the way. Oh well, there is always next year.

Erika took Peyton on her first Hunter Pace which lasted a few hours. Peyton jumped over most of the jumps. At the end of the day, both horse and rider were very exhausted. Way to go Girls!!! No pain no gain!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Finally she is back home

Fluffy Girl is finally back home. She can no longer be our barn cat but she is having fun tormenting the dogs inside the house. Actually, they get along just great. You would think that after being mauled by a dog that she would be afraid of our two dogs but no she is not. She seems very secure in the house. We even caught her sleeping next to both dogs the other night.

Her stitches were removed the other day and she is now moving around more than when she first came home about a week ago. She is still blind but she is getting very familiar with her surroundings. Given this outcome, the vet doctor did some research and it seems that the reason for her blindness/temporary blindness is due to the antibiotics that she was given after her surgery so they (the company that manufactures the product) are now going to do some minor testing (retinal exams etc) on her to prevent this from happening in the future.

Poor Fluffy Girl!!!!!!

She has also decided that sleeping between Ian and I is her preferred option however this will soon have to stop. In the meantime, until she is 100% we will let her as I am sure she is a little chilled at night given that she now has no fur.