Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Everyone wants to put in their two cents......but

I say leave it to the professionals.........that is what they get paid for.

When it comes to worming your horse, there seems to be different schools of thought no matter who you speak to. Why is that? Even though you read articles and speak to the professionals in your area, they all have a different take on this subject. I don't get it! We are all in the same region however we all follow a different schedule. There will always be varied opinions but why is it that we can't all follow the same schedule? We all have the same goal which is to have healthy horses.

I like to follow the KISS principle...KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Let not debate semantics.

That is my rant for today! I can go on forever.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Today's Funny!!!

There was this blonde farmer who had these two horses that she couldn't tell apart.
She went to her neighbour and asked if he had any ideas to help her. The neighbour told her to trim part of one horse's tails so one would be shorter than the other. The blonde thanked her neighbour and went home.

She trimmed one of the tails, and she could tell her horses apart now, until one day when the other horse got his tail caught in the fence. Now the blonde had a problem cuz she couldn't tell the horses apart again. So she went back to her neighbour and asked him what she could do. Her neighbour said to trim one of the horse's ears. The blond thanked her neighbour again and went home.

Then she trimmed one of her horse's ears. Now she could tell them apart. Until one day when the other horse go its ear caught in the fence. Now the blond was stuck. So she went back to her neighbour. Her neighbour suggested that she measure her horses. The blond thanked her neighbour once again and went home.

It turns out, that the black horse is two inches taller then the white horse.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Cody!!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Cody!
Happy Birthday to you!

Big Boy Cody turned two years old on April 1st!!!