To my Ranch "Zookeeper"
Here is a poem that I wrote for Ian, who ensures that our horses are safe every day!
To my Ranch "Zookeeper"
Each day you awake knowing what lays ahead,
With a coffee in hand, you ensure that each horse get fed.
With their tummies full of grain and hay,
One by one you lead them to the pasture to play,
As you head back to the barn, you know what to anticipate,
You enter a stall with pitch fork in hand, only to find two dogs eager to participate.
There are only a few who know how much you really care,
Because at $2 a day, that just seems unfair!
You may not be a horse whisperer or have your PhD in zoology,
But that doesn’t matter, to us you are our "Professor of Poopology".
Although at times it may seem to go unnoticed, this poem is to THANK YOU! From US.
You provide our horses with a heaven on earth, and the best part is... you do it without a fuss!